How to eat like a normal person

This website supports a book titled Foods that Lie. The book contains a new hypothesis about obesity, eating disorders, and food obsession. It explains why obesity has exploded in the last few decades and why losing weight and maintaining it seems so hard. It offers a simple method to restore a healthy bodyweight and get on with the rest of your life.

The strategy uses logic. It does not involve pills, supplementary purchases, or exercise regimes. It does not require restriction of calories, carbohydrates, fats, or proteins. It does not include hypnosis or positive thinking. Allen Carr, an accountant who cured his own nicotine addiction, helped thousands of people quit smoking instantly and happily after communicating information to them in such a way that their desire and behavior changed. Escape comes with truth; seeing the situation in a new light.

The hypothesis presented here is the result of twenty years of personal trial and error, combined with insights from scientific studies, books, and other resources, as referenced within.

Emails received from readers of this website:

I just read everything on your website in one sitting. I feel understood. I cried.

Reading your page could be my life story as well. Reading it made me actually lay down on the ground and weep.

…as I read your articles, a switch flipped in my head and I realized that it all really is so simple, and it’s astonishing how simple the solution is to this problem and I’ve basically created my own living hell when the solution was right in front of me all along…

…the sweets give me nothing, no satiation, no happiness. Even though I knew most of this info separately, you put it all together and explained it all so clearly and so simply that all I could do was see the truth. I cried while reading most of it. I am serious in that you saved my life.

Your site is like a beacon of hope for me. I sat down and read everything available. It is so thorough and lengthy and just the right amount of drilling that I think almost every tiny niggling doubt is crushed.

Tonight I felt like I was at the end of my rope in my battle with binge eating, but your words brought HOPE into my darkness.

I stumbled upon this website. I nearly closed the tab after a minute or two. I’m so glad I didn’t. I’m almost embarrassed to keep reading – it’s all just so…simple. …I only know that I feel clearheaded and shocked. My eyes are a little wide and I’m smiling a lot and laughing randomly to myself. It’s kind of hilarious isn’t it? How easy it is?

Start here.

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